gosh i went to sydney for the weekend and what? vox is closing down O_O
since i'm really new to typepad so it takes me like 10 mins to figure out how to add post and stuff...
i kind of miss vox already T_T
lu-chan *waves* welcome to typepad. :)
i also had a hard time figuring it out myself but since most of my vox friends are here, i have to give it a shot. :D
Posted by: Bambeee | 09/05/2010 at 11:03 下午
hi :D *waves back* thankyou!!!
i knowww! half of my vox neighbors are on typepad as well, that's why i might just give it a go haha
i'm glad i found you guys in typepad <3
Posted by: lubia | 09/05/2010 at 11:13 下午